Hoo boy, there’s a whole lot of change going on, isn’t there! I had with a client the other day as we were discussing the work I’m doing to redesign their services for women from in-person to virtual support groups. At one point she exclaimed, “My team is looking to me for answers, but I don’t have them either!”
There are a number of crucial issues that are forcing us to revisit and redesign how we work, such as the pandemic, the important dialogue about anti-racism, and climate change, to name just a few. All of us up a variety of learning curves, where we need to come up with new skills and strategies to figure out how to deal with challenges like:
- Balancing working from home while supporting your kids who are supposed to be learning online
- Adapting your services from in-person to online delivery channels
- Planning how to bring your staff back to work, or not, while we work with evolving health guidelines for the virus as we wait for therapies or vaccines that may not emerge until further down the road
In today’s video, I share with you my tips for “3 Tips for Going Up the Learning Curve.” I’d love to hear your thoughts and what resonates for you!