It’s hard to believe the summer is flying by so quickly! I was grateful that my hometown recently progressed to its next level of opening up businesses, so I could get my Covid-19 mane of hair trimmed to a more manageable length to manage the kind of humidity we’re experiencing in Toronto.
The year 2020 continues to unfold in challenging and disruptive ways. We’re really in a great collective turning point, and it’s not yet clear how this sci-fi movie we seem to be living in will turn out. One thing I’m noticing in my client work, and in my own work flow, is the battle we are having with being distracted. We’re getting better at working online, but productivity and deep understanding and collaboration can be hard to come by when you’re battling the distractions of your social media feed, your email inbox that’s just a click away, the refrigerator, family members needing your attention, or even the fatigue of meeting your colleagues on your computer screen most of the day.
In navigating this virtual work environment, I’ve become even more convinced of the need for visual artifacts being incorporated into well-designed meetings and trainings. In this short video, I’ll give you my 3 reasons why visual artifacts can be your biggest antidote to battling distraction and upping the focus and productivity of yourself and your team.