Adapting Through Connecting:
3 Ways to Hang On When the Going Gets Tough

How are you adapting to change?

It’s become practically a cliché to talk about the relentless pace of change. With the rapid emergence and adoption of artificial intelligence into the way we work in the past few months, the roller coaster ride we’re on professionally and personally is only going to speed up.

At a recent Global Adaptability Summit I attended, I learned that in 20 years from now, the rate of change will be 4x what it is now. What that means is that if you are 40 years old today, when you are 60 you’ll experience an entire year’s worth of technological and societal advances in just 3 months. It is rather mind-boggling.

For leaders in organizations, the ability to be able to adapt is not just a “nice to have” but a crucial ingredient for survival and blazing a trail for your team through the unknown. While market shifts and technology may be driving a lot of the need for change, I feel it’s important to hold on to the essence of what ultimately makes teams successful and effective: connection.

Here are 3 kinds of connection to lean on when you and your team are hitting turbulence:

1. Connect to Others: Reach Out and Lean In

When people are under stress, it’s natural to keep your head down and just try to get the work done. You might want to isolate and withdraw, blocking out the discomfort of your day-to-day reality. However, it’s precisely during these times that connecting with others becomes paramount. Rather than retreating into your shell, reach out and lean in.

There’s comfort to reach out and realize you’re not alone. Remember we are all connected as human beings trying to do our best on this bumpy road called life can give a broader and reassuring perspective that you’re not all in the muck by yourself. If we could do less pulling away and polarizing, and more leaning in and reaching out. I have no doubt the strength of that collective bond will unlock solutions we can never see than if we’re working in individual silos.

2. Connect to Collective Wisdom: Embrace Collaboration

The nature of the complex problem we face today necessitates a level of collaboration, communication and innovation like never before. There is no “one size fits all” solution out there like a magic wand that will magically ease disruption and the stress of change.

When you tap into the collective wisdom, experience and perspective of a group, that becomes a powerful force you can direct towards any challenge. Creating opportunities to learn from one another, to build upon each other’s ideas and spark insights from across different functional areas can unlock something that might make all the difference between struggle and innovative success.

3. Connect to Yourself: Prioritize Your Self-Care

You can’t do anything if you’re running on empty. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s so easy to neglect self-care or take your own personal well-being for granted. However, staying connected to yourself is vital for maintaining adaptability and resilience.

Taking the time to ensure you’re taking deep care of your rest, mental well-being and emotional health is crucial. Reflect on what’s working and what’s not, instead of just reacting. You can’t serve or have an impact if you’re depleted. Prioritizing your self-care means you bring your best self to the needs of the situation and to the team

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