Habit Revival: 3 Tips for Getting Back in the Groove

In today’s whirlwind of work demands, keeping up with our productive habits can sometimes feel like trying to catch a speeding train. We’ve all been there – skipping our morning jog, neglecting our mindfulness practice, or drowning in an overflowing inbox instead of first planning our day. These slips can leave us feeling frazzled and out of sync.

Recognizing the importance of tackling this head-on, it’s crucial to understand that our habits play a big role in our overall well-being and effectiveness at work. When we fall out of our routines, it can throw us off our game, impacting our mood, productivity, and ability to tackle challenges head-on. Plus, in today’s competitive world, being adaptable and resilient is key. By quickly getting back on track with our habits, we set ourselves up for success and satisfaction in our careers.

In my work with clients, effective habit formation is a cornerstone of our focus. To get traction in your daily life, you need to put insights and information into consistent action. Creating bite-sized measurable habits that align us strongly with our professional and personal goals is hugely important when we battle distractions, too much work and too little time, and competing demands on our attention and energy.

Plunging into cold Lake Ontario come rain, sun, snow or hail (yes, even in the middle of a Canadian winter) was something I first tried in November 2022. What started as a “I’ll try anything once!” choice quickly become a daily habit and a crucial part of how I started my days. I experienced more focus, productivity, energy, and gained a whole new community of cold dipping friends. It created an energetic momentum that spilled out into other habits I wanted to take on around exercise, planning and making whole food plant-based meals, and new creative pursuits.

But then I fell off the wagon. Getting a puppy was the first pressure point that shifted my daily practice with my friends to a solo dip 4-5 times a week. This past month, a medical procedure on my leg required weeks of healing time and no water immersion of any kind. Compounded with a month full of travel, the new habit streak I was running was how many days I had NOT been in the water. It was fascinating to see how my old inner critic grabbed hold of that fact and started to whisper that my previous 400+ cold dips was probably a fluke. My imposter syndrome joined my mental chatter and I had a few moments when I doubted if I could tolerate the cold water ever again.

Some version of this “falling off the wagon” and not doing things we know are good for us is something I am sure most people have experienced. Here are three practical tips to help you get back on track (and that I used myself to get back into the lake and enjoy my first cold dip in a while earlier this week!):

1. Drifting from a Habit Doesn’t Mean Failure

Okay, so you missed your morning yoga session or forgot to journal last night – it happens!

When you notice yourself slipping from a habit, resist the urge to berate yourself. Instead of beating yourself up, see it as a chance to learn and grow. Instead of thinking of a broken habit as a “failure,” view it instead as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Your inner critic may rear its head, but don’t let it derail you. Thank it for its input, then shift your focus forward. Embrace self-compassion and allow yourself the space to learn and grow.

2. Do a Gut Check

Take a moment to ask yourself: Is this habit still serving me in my current role? As our jobs change and our priorities shift, so do our priorities and aspirations. What served you well in the past may no longer align with who you are today. What worked for us in the past might not be cutting it anymore. As author James Clear says, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

Embrace adaptability by practicing unlearning and mental flexibility. Consider whether it’s time to pivot and embrace new challenges that better reflect your current values and goals. Embrace the idea of being flexible and open to new challenges. Maybe it’s time to swap out that old routine for something that better fits your current goals and values.

3. One Step at a Time

Getting back into the habit groove doesn’t happen overnight. Start small – like, really small. Pick one “laughably small” action you can take today to kickstart your momentum. Focus on habits that will provide the best leverage to achieve your most important priorities at this moment.

Whether it’s starting your day with a short meditation or committing to a daily writing exercise, prioritize consistency over perfection. Remember, progress is achieved one step at a time, one day at a time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate even the smallest wins along the way.

Falling off the habit wagon is not a sign of failure but an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By approaching setbacks with self-compassion, reassessing the relevance of our habits, and taking incremental steps towards our goals, we can reignite and re-establish useful habits and propel ourselves towards success. So, embrace the process, celebrate your wins, and keep moving forward – one habit at a time.

If you’d like support with leadership within your organization or team, let’s connect to explore whether the Adaptive Advantage (™) program or Level Up Leadership executive coaching program can help!

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