In my neck of the woods, it seems like the spring season was only about 2 days long! Two weeks ago I still needed my winter coat, and today my home town has issued a heat advisory warning! I’m not complaining, though. My regular dog walks are a real source of joy and boon to my emotional well-being in this time of disruption, so walking amidst the colourful gardens and blossoming trees and lilac bushes, plus lovely weather, is a big bonus!
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with clients and friends alike and it’s clear that this marathon of managing change we are all running can be quite taxing. Part of the challenge is that we are in this liminal space “in between” how we used to live and work, and what the future will look like. That place of transition can feel quite uncomfortable as we don’t yet know how this “movie” we are living in will turn out.
In today’s video, I share with you my tips for “Living in the In Between Space”. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what resonates for you!

If you’d like to book a virtual coffee with me, please do!