Top 10 Leadership Nuggets from The Art of Leadership

Leadership is a topic on the minds of most organizations – corporate, public sector, non-profit, entrepreneurial. The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity that characterize the world we live in even has its own acronym now to provide a shorthand way of talking about it. How do you lead and succeed in a VUCA world?

I had the great fortune to attend The Art of Leadership in Toronto, and graphically capture the key nuggets from a rockstar line-up of keynote speakers who are experts in the area of leadership, executive coaching, and business. You’ll get a sense of the presentations from this selection of the graphic maps of the day I created here.

Here are the top 10 leadership tips I took away from my experience:

  1. Everyone has tremendous talent. The resources we have to solve our problems are right here. – Sir Ken Robinson
  2. Focus on your art. You deliver value through your actions. – Ron Tite
  3. Busyness gets in the way of our happiness, so make space for happiness. – Ron Pasricha
  4. We have become advice-giving maniacs! We need to stay curious longer, and push to action slower. – Michael Bungay Stanier
  5. The question we should be asking ourselves is, how do I engage myself? Having a daily questions practice as a way to self-reflect is powerful. – Marshall Goldsmith
  6. To solve problems, you’ll be more successful if you tap into the talents of groups of people with diversity of perspectives. – Sir Ken Robinson
  7. The most important decisions you will ever make is about people. We make decisions based on the storylines we create about people. – Dr. Seonid Charlesworth
  8. Leadership is a constantly evolving ecosystem. You have to build leadership in order to evolve and sustain it. – Peter Aceto
  9. Just do it. If you act yourself into a new way thinking, it’s a lot easier than thinking your way into a new way of acting. – Neil Pasricha
  10. Too often we rush to solution, but we don’t really under the real problem. Asking questions helps us to solve the right problem. – Michael Bungay Stanier

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