I’ve been having some great conversations with clients and my network of professional colleagues these past several days about the challenges, and advantages, of working virtually. While I miss working with people in a room face-to-face too, I do believe we can bring a richness of connection and engagement to our virtual conversations too. The trick is you can’t just cut-and-paste your old meeting agenda and strategies onto our virtual meeting places or you risk losing people’s attention, let alone commitment to helping you change.
I’m pretty passionate about creating experiences and opportunities for what I call “Conversations that Count”. (In fact, facilitating Conversations that Count, and the mistakes managers make in trying to run meetings is the subject of my next book Lead Conversations That Count: How Busy Managers Run Great Meetings should be published by this summer!) In this week’s video (just 4 minutes long), I share with you 3 key principles to helping you and your organization shift your experience of working virtually.

If you’d like to book a virtual coffee with me, please do!