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The Power of Acknowledging Others

Acknowledging people’s contributions and perspectives confirms that they were heard and valued. It’s how we demonstrate respect. Have you ever spoken up to give an idea, and the Conversation Leader just continued? Whether your idea was ignored entirely, or the group leader ran with it without even a nod in your direction, the lack of acknowledgement creates disconnection and a disinclination to offer your input as freely or enthusiastically the next time. Be mindful of how you acknowledge others, particularly when you are leading the conversation.

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The Key To Effective Conversations: Listening

Listening feels like it should be a natural skill, but it isn’t. Too often – particularly in the workplace – we think that we’re listening when we’re only listening to judge, compare other’s thoughts to our own, or simply prepare to continue expressing our views. It’s natural to listen through our filters, biases, experiences and agendas.

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3 Key Elements for Leading by Example

As the Conversation Leader, you set the bar. Your presence creates an ecosystem for participants to work together. If you’ve been a parent, you already know that children will do as you do and not as you say. As a role model for listening, acknowledging, contributing, and questioning, participants will follow your lead, so be mindful of the example you set.

Children are the best teachers for parents when it comes to setting a role model. I was called into nursery school because my youngest son, at the tender age of four, was apparently teaching his classmates how to curse like a sailor.

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Maintain Your Leadership Engine

At one point in my career, I was the Director of Development at a renowned independent school in Toronto. I had three young children and was in the process of a divorce, and we had just launched a major capital campaign at work. There was a lot on my plate, yet I felt I was juggling everything fairly well.

One day while driving to work, I noticed the fuel light was on. “Ah, I can fill up the tank later,” I thought. But as I approached my office, my car started to sputter. I pressed the gas, but the engine wasn’t getting any more power. With a growing sense of anxiety, I recalled that the light had been on the day before – and the day before that too.

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You Set the Bar

The problems organizations now face are challenging. When experiencing rapid change, low or declining engagement rates, and rising uncertainty, we all need our best thinking caps on. Collectively, humanity is facing some existential crises – environmental, political, socioeconomic – that will require innovation, agility and resilience to solve. Old roles, strategies and reporting structures may be obsolete.

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Expect the Unexpected In Your Meetings

Running a great meeting is like baking a cake; it takes heat and time. Repeatedly opening the oven to see if it’s done yet reduces the temperature and increases your baking time. Conversations will sometimes feel heated, or messy, or unformed.

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Surf’s Up! Are You Ready?

One particular surfer caught my eye. He paddled out on his board, cutting through the oncoming waves, to the spot where he’d chosen to wait for the Big One he was looking to ride to shore. Waves broke continuously over him, but he shook them off and continued to paddle forward. Arriving at his spot, he used his arms to hover and maintain his position. He was patient, checking over his shoulder to decide whether the next swell would be the right one. He clearly had confidence – even just to be in the lake during this winter storm!

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Create an Ecosystem for Connection

In virtual meetings unstructured small-talk connection time typically doesn’t happen. People log in, the meeting leaders wait in silence until the clock indicates it’s time to start, and then the meeting begins. It may sound efficient, but it’s not very welcoming. In a virtual meeting space, you can’t have that spontaneous chat at the coffee station or as you take your seat. Without those warm-up conversations, participants can feel isolated.

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5 Tips to Avoid Burn-Out

In a world where so many are tethered to the internet, portable technology, 24/7 demands, and the ongoing struggle to balance work and professional life, living with stress is the norm. Getting burned out is so easy. Your natural brilliance is blunted, much like the tarnish that builds up on silver over time.

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3 Principles to Create Focus and Flow

Life is busy. The pace of change is fast. Attention is short. The demand on your poor brain’s ability to focus and concentrate on one thing is higher than ever. Add into that mix fatigue from an enduring pandemic, and it is any wonder that our cognitive load feels maxed out most days?

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